Friday, May 29, 2009

Dax is funny when it comes to getting his picture taken. He says, "Chee" when the camera is pointed at him and gets all silly. Greg took a video this time and I think it's hilarious how Dax keeps saying "Chee" cause he thinks Greg is taking his picture. This was right before bed and Dax has a cold so we were giving him medicine (he loves it!) and he wandered outside.


Sarah said...

Love it! He is so cute.
I had to watch it over and over; Lexi thinks he is just soo funny. :)

nana said...

Awww, thanks for that. Keep those videos coming!

Jake and Denae said...

I miss him and you guys!!! Where are my friends???? Hope all is well. Love ya!

Courtney said...

So funny! I can't wait to see him!

Moka said...

He is so funny! Bentley sucks her medicine out of of the dropper to. So cute!

MOLLY said...

so cute! i hope you guys are enjoying california!

The Dimond's You Love said...

OH my lanta! LOVE IT!!! He's so cute! I love that bright blond hair!!!! and those beautiful blue eyes. I'm jealous of your adorable kid =) Miss ya girl. Oh ya! Guess what, life has been pretty stressful these last few months and I realized part of it is that I haven't had my sacred scrapbooking classes! Sadness! They were like yoga to me, very calming and wonderful. Lets do a webinar class! ahahahaha

shereesa said...

That's so cute! Nice that he likes taking his medicine, probably makes our life much easier.

Kara said...

so stinkin cute!

Kelly and Tamra said...

So funny and too cute! I can't wait to meet that little guy!