Saturday, January 30, 2010

New Year's Resolutions 2010

With it being a new year, I try to take advantage of accomplishing some goals. I had them all written up a week before the big day of Jan 1st so I could pump myself up to start working on them. There are quite a few, but they're GOALS, not MUSTS. And, I have an entire year to work on them!
Here are some of them:
Mommy goals:
* Potty train Dax
* Get prego with our 2nd child
* Spend more one on one time with Dax.
* Plan entertaining as well as educational activities for Dax.
* Become better at planning out and preparing meals.
Wife goals:
* Keep up on our blog (try to keep it fairly up-to-date).
* Send out Christmas cards/letters this year.
* Go on weekly date nights.
Physical goals:
* Exercise at least 3 times a week.
* Run 2-3 short races, each 5 miles or less.
* Get more sleep...get to bed earlier!
* Read at least 3 books.
* Learn a new skill.
* Become a better cook.
* Read the entire Book of Mormon on my own.
* Start and keep a journal again (I used to be so good at this up until I met Greg...shame on me).
* Attend the temple at least once a month.
* Finish Daxton's baby scrapbook.
* Start teaching scrapbooking workshops again.
* Finish Guatemala scrapbook.
* Make crafts for 3 different holidays.
So there ya have it. I'm doing this for myself cause I wanna look back at the end of the year and see how well I've done at accomplishing them. Some goals are more private, so I haven't posted them, but this is most of them. You can do it, Brit!


Kelli @ The Loss Cause said...

You CAN do it! Don't you love setting goals and accomplishing them? I do. Good for you!

The Dimond's You Love said...

I am so happy you finally got to post the rest of Christmas, New Years and your resolutions! Go you! You are an amazing strong woman so I have no doubt you'll get a ton of them accomplished before you know it! =)

Nikki and Bryan said...

Wow Brit! That's a lot of goals! You make me look bad because all I have are tentitive ones... maybe I should write them down, and I would be more successful! lol Good luck! You can do it! :)

Salty Gal said...

Good job on the goals! This is the first year I didn't make any, but it's never too late....right? :)

Kara said...

You go girl!