Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I Heart Potty-Training

Yeah, RIGHT! Why is it that kids have to go up and down with potty-training? They do awesome for a while and then there's like an entire week where they act like they've never seen a toilet before and just have accident after accident and it doesn't phase them they're doing anything wrong. Well, at least that's how it's been with my child. He has done awesome since February. It took him about 2 weeks to really get it, and he's had occasional accidents (which I expect and understand happens), but today? I am so upset with him today! He had FOUR of which was poop. Are you kidding me?! He hasn't pooped his pants since Feb when we first started potty-training. And this past week he will NOT tell me when he has to go potty. Instead he'll just pee his pants and wait for me to notice. Then I lose it (which I know I'm not supposed to do). I've tried being calm and just explain that he's supposed to go potty in the toilet, but it's like he could care less and acts like, "oh good, I'm not even in trouble." I don't know what to do! After the poop accident today that was it! Thank goodness it was toward the end of the day and I didn't have to see him much longer. I was so upset I just threw away his underwear. What do I do? Why won't he tell me anymore when he has to go? Needing to vent. Any other moms out there feeling my frustration? Anyone have any advice or tips or that can relate and tell me how they got through it??


Chantel said...

I wish I had advice for you. I LOATH potty training. In fact, Carl potty trained Jax for the most part because I was still recovering from Crew. It's the worst and I totally feel for you. And it doesn't really get any better. I'm still wiping bums, telling boys to go potty, and cleaning up floors. You may have to start a reward system as if you were just starting the training and re-emphasize how cool it is to go in the toilet. Good luck!!! *hugs*

Kelli @ The Loss Cause said...

My uncle used to take my cousin outside after accidents and spray him off with the hose (and cold water). Since it's getting warm (or supposed to be) you could try that. He might like it though.

Lynette said...

Thanks so much for your comments on my blog. I really appreciate your friendship and prayers at this time. I LOVE the photo in your blog title. Ohhh my gosh that is priceless

Kara said...

Potty training is hard! whenever my boys had an accident I wouldn't let them have treats or juice the rest of the day! If they asked I would remind them why they couldn't, cuz they went in their underwear!. Then I'd tell them the things they could have: fruit, veggies, bread, milk, water, but no treats or juice! It seemed to start sinking in quickly, just took alot of reminding throughout the day. The next day, the first thing to do is go over what happened yesterday and tell them if they have an accident, no treats or juice, so lets try and stay dry and have treats and juice today! The hard part is being consistent and following through with what you say. I'm still struggling with with my youngest, and I have to say my first was way easier! Potty trained at 2 1/2! I just have to remember all kids are different and they learn at their own pace. Good luck and keep with it. It'll get better