Friday, September 11, 2009

I Love to See the Temple...

Greg and I were able to go to the LDS San Diego temple. This was my first time to this temple...absolutely breathtaking!


Merrells said...

What a gorgeous picture!

Katie said...

That's where we were sealed! How fun!

The Dimond's You Love said...

That is MYYYY temple! Kidding, I know it is not mine, but I knew ever since I was little and drove by that temple on family trips that I wanted to go there, and when I was old enough to know about the church I knew I wanted to be sealed there. If I lived in Cali I would go there almost every day! I have never been in a more beautiful and amazing place, ever. I remember when we got sealed I didn't want it to end because then we would have to leave. I wished I could have just stayed in there forever! =)