Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

We packed up and headed out Tuesday morning to Medford, Oregon to be with Greg's dad's parents and family. Jason and Monica rode along with us and it was such a pretty drive. When we got into Oregon we had to slow way down and got to creep along through a cattle drive. So cool, but made me a little nervous. Didn't want any of those cows or bulls to charge into our car, so we made sure to keep a crawling pace. Everything went well, aside from poor Monica getting car sick and Dax getting fussy after being in the car for that long, and12 hours later we arrived in Medford and settled into our hotel for the night. We hung out those first couple days and then on Thanksgiving morning we woke up to this...

Daxton with an ear full of blood! I worried that maybe his eardrum burst in the night, but fortunately that wasn't the case with no blood coming from inside his ear. I washed his ear out and it turned out that he had just scratched it with his fingernails and it bled a lot. But that didn't keep him from being happy!

He was ready for Turkey! We got cleaned up and dressed and head over to Grandma and Grandpa's to help out in getting food prepared.

Dax helping Alyssa mix a coconut sauce that goes over the rolls. Mmmm!

Happy Family :)

The kids: Kim, me, Greg, Nathan, cousin Crystal, Alyssa, Dax, Karianne, Jason, Monica, and Ken.

The adults: Kathy and Bob (Don's cousin and husband), Grandma and Grandpa, Diane (Don's sister), Marianne, Don, Devan (oops, he didn't jump in the kid picture. Son of Kathy and Bob), Alyssa and Bob.

We ate yummy smoked Turkey, ham, yams, "grandpa's green goop" (aka green jello with pineapple and whipped cream), cranberries, potatoes and gravy, stuffing, rolls, and veggies. Then for dessert grandpa had a stash of Amaretto that Karianne graciously accepted and used to make Amaretto bread pudding. Grandpa was a little bummed that we didn't drink to help empty out his liquor cabinet. Ha! Then it was on to visiting, and while our food settled the boys busted out Rock Band on X-Box and jammed while others planned out where they would be heading and what to pick up on the Black Friday Sales. Fortunately I didn't have to participate as I have a little one to watch. Greg was able to get out of waking up at 3am and so the 3 of us had a wonderful night's sleep and were able to sleep in until 9am! Even Daxton slept in until then!

What a fun Thanksgiving and it was fun to be here with so many people and to meet new family.



Jaeme + Randy said...

I'm glad you guys had a good time! Dax's ear looks nasty but I'm glad it was just a scratch! I'm not into the black Friday sales either, I don't even have a baby as an excuse I just refuse to go :)